Archive for 2014

Getting Indexed Fast in Google

A lot of people seem to think it takes weeks (or even months) to get indexed in Google, but that's just not true.  Almost anyone can get his or her site crawled and indexed in two weeks or less - sometimes you can even be listed in the Google index in as little as a few hours!

There are several ways to get indexed quickly.  All of them involve getting links to your site on other sites that have high PageRank, or sites that are updated often and get crawled frequently by search engine spiders. 

You don't have to pay to do this.  There are plenty of ways to get these types of links to your site without paying a penny. One of the easiest ways to get indexed quickly is to ping your site.  You don't have to own a blog to ping your site at places like or  

Just add your site's name and URL, and leave the RSS feed link blank.  (It's not necessary.)  Sometimes this technique alone can get you indexed in a day or two. Next, you should submit your link to various social bookmarking sites.  

These sites get crawled several times a day, so they can be a very good way to get your own site crawled and indexed quickly.  You should get an account at all of the major bookmarking sites.  Don't miss StumbleUpon, Digg, Furl,, and Slashdot.  

Press releases can be very helpful in getting your site crawled and indexed quickly.  Most of the more popular press release sites have good PageRank, get crawled often, and can even get your press release posted on a number of different sites that borrow news from the PR directories.  Sometimes it can be worth submitting a press release simply for the ease and speed of being indexed.

Article marketing is another way to get indexed fast.  Submitting an article or two can also help you get backlinks, better PageRank, and targeted traffic to your site.  A lot of article directories have very good PageRank, so it definitely has benefits other than just quick indexing.

Blog commenting can be a very good way to get indexed quickly. You'll need to find blogs that don't have the "nofollow" tag, because blogs that have "nofollow" won't let search engines crawl the links anyway.  

This is debated by SEO experts - some saying the "nofollow" tag doesn't even matter, since some search engine spiders ignore them anyway. Others claim you might get a small amount of traffic from the blogs themselves, but "nofollow" blogs will do nothing to help you get indexed faster.

You should also make sure you do all you can to maximize the ability of spiders to crawl your site.  You should have links that are easy to find and follow, use text links instead of only image links, don't use Flash or image maps unless you also have text links for spiders to follow, and make sure you keep your site as clean as possible.  Having too many links on your main page can confuse spiders, and your site may not be indexed properly.

Forums often get crawled on a regular (daily) rotation since the content is updated often.  Popular forums have had posts on their site show up on Google just minutes after they're posted!  It's very common for posts on very popular forums to show up in Google in less than 24 hours.  Posting a small link in your signature on some of these forums can help you get your site indexed quickly. 

Finally, you can exchange links with other webmasters in your niche.  This a great way to build backlinks, and if their sites get crawled often, you'll be adding to the chance that your site will be crawled and indexed quickly, too.  Link exchanges won't penalize your site, either - unless you amass too many too soon - so stick with organic growth (a few a day) and it shouldn't put up any red flags for the search engines.

Here's another great resource to help you build your business:

Harnessing The Power Of Adwords

Pay-per-click marketing can be a very difficult thing to master.  A lot of people have spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars before they learned to make a profit.  Some people never become profitable, and give up after losing a considerable amount of money.

In order to have the best chance at being success, you have to learn to be extremely vigilant about your campaigns.  You have to monitor them carefully, and always end campaigns that remain unprofitable for a long period of time.

One of the first things you should monitor is your CTR.  If your click through ratio is very poor, your ads will cost more.  It will take more money for the same number of clicks your competitors might get if they have a better CTR.

If your CTR is too low, you need to tweak your ad copy.  You need to look at the text your competitors are using, and attempt to make yours better.  Try to get inside the minds of your visitors, and think about what they're looking for when they search for a particular word or phrase.  

Use split-testing to test multiple versions of your ads, and use the best ones. Keep an eye on your quality score (QS).  If your score is too low, then you need to do a few things to get your quality score up.  

The higher your QS is, the less you'll have to pay for your clicks, and the more profit you can potentially make. The quality score takes several factors into account for its ranking algorithm, and Google doesn't release the details of every single one.  

They give you a little general advice, but it's not really enough for most people to dominate AdWords right away.  After a lot of experimentation, experts have come up with some guidelines than can help improve your quality score.

Make sure you have each campaign's keyword phrases on the landing page itself.  Don't use the keyword "golf carts" if the word "carts" doesn't appear anywhere on the page.  That could bring your quality score down.  

Your landing page shouldn't be a single page with no internal links.  Google doesn't seem to favor single page landing pages.  Add links to relevant products, articles related to the niche, or pages such as a privacy policy, terms of service, and a contact page.

Keep your campaigns focused on a few highly related keyword phrases each, such as one for the product name only, another for long tail phrases, and a third for more broad keywords.  You should make sure you target those keywords in your ad.  

If you have "golf clubs," "golf bags," and "golf club warmers" as your keyword phrases, you should try to use at least one of those phrases in your ad.  You might have something like "Golf Clubs, Bags, and Accessories" in your ad.  The words people search for will appear in bold in your ad, so the more of them you have in your ad, the more likely it is to be clicked.

Finally, you should carefully track conversions.  Make sure you have a way to track which traffic came from AdWords if you're sending traffic from more than one source.  Conversions are ultimately the most important factor in the success or failure of any pay-per-click campaign. 

Here's another great resource I recommend to help you build your business: CLICK HERE!