Archive for March 2013

Building Your Income with Blogs

Blogs are a fantastic way to make money.  They perform well in search engines, they're easy to promote, and they can offer very sticky content.  If you blog often, and you're good at what you do, you can develop a pretty large following of readers who subscribe to your RSS feed and read your content on a daily basis.

One of the biggest keys to success with blogs is posting consistently.  If you don't post regularly, you probably won't get much traffic, and people won't return.  Posting frequently also keeps your content fresh, and search engines love fresh content.  

The more often you post, the more often the search engines will visit your site.  And every time you post, you can ping your site at the various ping locations.  This can also bring in more traffic.

What is Blogging?

Following the huge success of What is Branding video, the University of East Anglia have produced a second infographic style video "What is Blogging". This is an excellent Video, take the time to watch it.

Another major key to blog success is creating sticky content. This means you have to write posts that people will actually be interested in reading.  

Readers probably don't care what you had for dinner, unless you're running a food blog.  They want to read about topics related to your niche.  If you're running a blog about golfing, at least 75% of your posts should be related to golf.  Preferably 100%.

You should talk about golf courses you've recently played on, tournaments you've watched, and clubs you've tried.  You might occasionally post about family matters, or your dog, or your favorite restaurant as a way to connect on a more personal level with your readers, but most of your posts should be on target with your niche.

Blogs are great for people who sell services.  If you're a graphics designer or writer, having a blog is a good way to keep in touch with your clients.  You can offer updates on your schedule and availability, current prices and special offers, and when you'll be taking some time off.  

You can also post samples of your latest work. If you have a number of clients subscribe to your RSS feed, you'll be able to keep in contact with them so they'll order from you more often.

Don't start a blog with the intention of letting it sit dormant and earn money.  It probably won't work.  If you're going to start a blog, you need to be prepared to commit yourself to growing the blog, posting often, keeping it updated, and not giving up on it.  

They offer multiple selling opportunities - from text links woven throughout the content to image ads like banners you strategically place in between blog posts.  The sidebar can also be utilized as an affiliate or direct sales revenue space.

Make sure you take the time to transfer your blog over to your own domain instead of hosting it within the blogging community. This makes it more professional to the person who lands on your website and lends credibility to your efforts as the go-to person in your niche. 

Learn how to make a blog and make money blogging
Click here:

Networking with Other Online Marketers

Building an online business can make you feel isolated at times. You work from home, usually on solo projects, and except for the occasional forum and chat room participation, you don't have much opportunity to interact with others.

Some new marketers make it worse by never branding their name, or simply watching forum posts from the sidelines, perhaps because they fear exposing themselves to judgment in the marketplace. But networking will help you make big gains as an online marketer.  First and foremost, it helps you brand your name in the marketplace. You'll always want to participate in the Internet marketing niche, even if it's not the niche you're making money with. 

The reason for this is because you can find potential Joint Venture partners who are in the same (or a complementary) niche as you. These relationships and bonds you build with other marketers could serve you well in the future.

Within every money-making niche you're in, you'll want to network as well. Always put your sights on someone who's a step above you on the ladder of success.  This will help you build your own business because you're catapulting your momentum forward.

If at all possible, try to attend Internet marketing seminars and seminars within your niche. You'll meet people and gain valuable insight that isn't sold online - secrets shared between friends rather than sold to a general public.

Seminars can help you bounce ideas off of others and generate new ideas based on what you learn.  It can also help you locate products and services that will help your business.


You might meet graphic designers, freelance writers, or an expert who could give your product or site a mention to his or her own list.  If you attend a seminar, have some business cards ready to hand out to people that include your name, email address, and website.

Get cards from others, too and then follow up on those contacts to remind people of who you are - thanking them if they provided you with any information that helps you on your journey to becoming a successful Internet marketer.

After you attend enough seminars, you may even be asked to be a speaker at one!

Get more resources here>>>> CLICK HERE!

Making AdSense Work For You

AdSense can be a fantastic moneymaker.  There are many people who make thousands of dollars per month through AdSense alone.  Hearing this may get you excited, and you may already have dollar signs in your eyes.  But don't get your hopes up just yet.

Although you've probably heard about people who bring in five or six figures per month with AdSense, you need to keep one very important thing in mind.  In order to make that kind of money with AdSense, you need to have a ton of traffic.  

In fact, most people who make more than $100 per month with AdSense either have a very large website with thousands of visitors per day, or they have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of smaller websites.

For most people, AdSense may not be worth the effort to create sites only for promoting it.  AdSense only pays a few cents for each click, depending on the keyword you target (some pay a lot more) and those few cents are a lot smaller than they were just a few years ago.  

A few years ago, some people were getting several dollars per click for many keywords.  These days, $1 clicks are relatively rare in most niches.  Most clicks seem to bring you under $0.50 now, and smaller niches may experience clicks of only around $0.10 (or even less.)

In order to make $10 per day, at $0.10 per click you would need 100 clicks.  If your click through ratio were 5%, you would need 2,000 visitors to your site every single day just to earn $10 per day. 

For sites with very little traffic, you would have to have a really fantastic click through ratio in order to earn decent money with AdSense - or, choose highly competitive keywords that pay a lot, but are harder to rank high for in the search engines. 

Some sites just naturally have traffic that doesn't buy much as far as paid information, but the visitors like to click through links to access free information.  Webmasters who have sites that target the freebie-seeking demographic should test AdSense links to see which type performs best.

If you're running a site that has an extremely general audience, AdSense might also be a good alternative.  AdSense is usually pretty good at delivering targeted ads.  You can create thousands of content pages with AdSense links, place the code in your blogs, and watch your monthly earnings rise as you create more content for your readers.

If your only goal is to make money without becoming a product owner, then consider creating a content-laden site that weaves affiliate links into the text and provides ample opportunities for clicks to AdSense links so that you can profit from the information you're delivering.

Watch these great full in depth AdSense Tutorials


Turbocharging Your Backend Profits

Every good marketer knows how important it is to increase the lifetime value of the customer.  It's much cheaper to make a sale to a previous customer than it is to get a new one on board.  The cost of acquiring new customers can be high, but getting more money out of existing customers won't cost you a penny.

Building a backend to your business isn't hard... but without one, you're limiting your financial potential.  A backend is how you continue selling to an existing customer. Let's say you sell an eBook on how to make money blogging, for example.

Your eBook could discuss what a blog is, how to set one up, and how to make money from it.  Your backend sales could come from affiliate items (if you don't feel like taking the product creation route again) or a new eBook, membership site, or video/audio package you sell.

Whenever you first start selling online, always think of complementary topics you can tack on as a backend. For our example, your backend sales could be about social networking on other web 2.0 sites like Squidoo, Facebook, or bookmarking sites.

After you've begun seeing success with those, your back-end sales could continue by focusing on more paid methods of marketing, such as AdWords.  You set up your offers with your audience like stepping stones, moving from the first logical starting point to a more advanced stage.

Insert your offers right into your autoresponder system and it will automatically serve the needs of your subscribers the longer they stay on your list.

Another common way to add a back end onto a product is to offer personal coaching. 

Personal coaching can be expensive, sometimes even costing up to thousands of dollars per month.  A lot of marketers offer this as a backend strategy, giving them the potential to significantly increase the return on their investment(ROI) of acquiring the prospect.

If you take care to create top quality backend offers that add value to their needs, they'll continue buying from you. If you promote anything and everything just for the sake of cashing in, they'll eventually lose trust in you.

Your backend sales strategy isn't limited to just your autoresponder. You can put links to backend products on your "thank you" pages as well.  And don't forget that each product can act as a backend item for another one. So you might start with an ebook about social marketing and then use a blogging ebook as your back-end item for the customer.

Just make sure you don't set yourself up for limited profits by using a single product without implementing a backend strategy that will work to increase your ROI over and over again. You're building a business, not dabbling in a few hit or miss sales.

Here's another great resource to help you build your business: CLICK HERE!

Step-By-Step IPad Video Training

Sick of not knowing how to fully use your iPad?

You don't have to be... Check out these new easy to follow training videos

Here you can find 19 step-by-step videos showing you how to get the most out of your iPad and become an Ipad pro today.

You'll be able to impress your family and friends with all the cool stuff you can do on your new ipad.

Defining Your Online Revenue Streams

For many, success in the Internet marketing industry is a trial and error process. You have to learn as you go - on your own - soaking up information along the way.  The first thing you need to know is what it means to be an Internet marketer, because it isn't always clear to everyone.

Internet marketers can actually pick and choose from a whole host of options available to help them make money.  Your opportunities are virtually endless, and can include one or more of the following:

  • Selling digital downloads (information products like eBooks)
  • Promoting other people's products for a commission (affiliate marketing)
  • Selling on eBay or other auction sites
  • Running a membership site
  • Selling your online services (writing, graphics, etc.)
  • Owning a website that sells drop shipped or wholesale items

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Being a newcomer to Internet marketing, you might be worried that you don't have anything to sell.  That's okay - most people don't start out with anything, and you never have to stock a tangible inventory if you don't want to.

Internet marketing is great because it has gender or age boundaries in the way of your success.  There are teenagers and even grandmothers who have launched successful online ventures who started out as budding Internet marketers just like you.

You don't have to do anything unethical or shady to succeed at Internet marketing. You can build a respectable business with a solid reputation if you simply learn how to find out what people need and then give it to them... it's as simple as that.

CLICK HERE NOW! For another great resource I found to help you build your business!