Some new marketers make it worse by never branding their name, or simply watching forum posts from the sidelines, perhaps because they fear exposing themselves to judgment in the marketplace. But networking will help you make big gains as an online marketer. First and foremost, it helps you brand your name in the marketplace. You'll always want to participate in the Internet marketing niche, even if it's not the niche you're making money with.
The reason for this is because you can find
potential Joint Venture partners who are in the same (or a complementary)
niche as you. These relationships
and bonds you build with other marketers could serve you well in the future.
Within every money-making niche you're in,
you'll want to network as well. Always put your sights on someone who's a
step above you on the ladder of
success. This will help you build your own business because you're catapulting your momentum
If at all possible, try to attend Internet
marketing seminars and seminars within your niche. You'll meet people and
gain valuable insight that isn't
sold online - secrets shared between friends rather than sold to a general public.
Seminars can help you bounce ideas off of
others and generate new ideas based on what you learn. It can also help
you locate products and services
that will help your business.
You might meet graphic designers, freelance writers, or an expert who could give your product or site a mention to his or her own list. If you attend a seminar, have some business cards ready to hand out to people that include your name, email address, and website.
Get cards from others, too and then follow up
on those contacts to remind people of who you are - thanking them if they
provided you with any information
that helps you on your journey to becoming a successful Internet marketer.
After you attend enough seminars, you may even
be asked to be a speaker at one!
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