Branding your name (or your pen name) is very important on the Internet, no matter what niche you're in. You need to establish yourself as an authority in your market, because people trust authority figures most of all.
They trust their recommendations, they trust that their products will be of good quality, and they trust that they have integrity. It also gives your buyer confidence that you're a real person - not just some nameless, faceless entity trying to sell them something on a static, automated website.
You should put your name on everything you create. Whether it's a membership site, an eBook, or something as small as a PLR article pack for sale - you should put your name on it. Getting your name out and recognized is essential to your ongoing success.

Their names are all over the marketing forums, their eCovers, their headers, and everything else they do. They work very hard to brand their names, because their names become the brands. People buy their products simply because their name is on it.
Buyers think that the product must be good, because the person is so well-known. You should do the same thing with your name. Always use the same name on everything you do within a particular niche.
You may not want to use your real name for whatever reason, but your name needs to be a "real name." A nickname usually won't cut it in most markets, but sometimes it works.
If you've signed up for forums under a nickname, ask the moderators if they can change your name to your real name or pen name. You might not want to tell the moderator's it's a pen name. That's up to you.
Keep getting your name out there any way you can. Host
teleseminars, JV with well-known people if possible, and offer to help create content for famous people in your niche in exchange for a Bio Box that hosts your name and link to your website.
Offer to be an interview subject for someone. Be a "guest author" for popular websites and blogs in your niche, and create 100% original content for them. Never stop branding your name. Even someone as famous as Donald Trump, the king of name branding, doesn't stop marketing.

Not only is it a matter of pride, but it keeps his name everywhere.
You may never be as famous as the Donald, and you may not even like him, but if you follow these instructions, you might become known as the king or queen of your own little niche or for a particular slant that grows in popularity.