Every single site on the Internet that makes money does two things... It diverts and converts. First, it diverts traffic from one location to another. The first location could be almost anywhere, the second location is to the site making the money.

Sounds good, until I did a Google search for "credit card" and realize there are 56 MILLION sites in the results. Kind of hard to compete, wouldn't you say?
But Discover gives a 5% cashback bonus on gas purchases.
And when I did a search for "credit card gas rewards," I got 56 results. Much better.
That levels the playing field.
No matter what kind of marketing you do, it stands to reason that if you target overlooked, under-the-radar keyword phrases, you'll divert more traffic and convert more of that traffic into profits.
So, how do you FIND these overlooked, under-the-radar keyword phrases?
With a little tool called Micro Niche Finder:
With Micro Niche Finder, you can uncover untapped niche markets and completely DOMINATE them in Google. You can find new keywords related to your base keyword that are more profitable than the keywords you're using now. You can rank higher in the search engines, thus bringing in more traffic.
And if you use Google Adwords, you will pay LESS for more highly targeted and better converting traffic!
P.S. Are you looking to market ANYTHING online?
Then you need Micro Niche Finder.
Think about it: More highly targeted traffic with higher conversion rates for less cost, and even no cost.
Now that's a no-brainer: